في اليوم العالمي للكتاب وحقوق المؤلف الذي يصادف 23 أبريل من كل عام، ننظر إلى تجديد مكتبة فولبرايت التي تُعرف الآن باسم مكتبة آلان ماكنمارا في عام 2020 والتي تعد قلب دار فولبرايت، تكريمًا للمدير التنفيذي السابق لفولبرايت الأردن قبل تقاعده.
The Jordanian-American Commission for Educational Exchange (aka the Binational Fulbright Commission in Jordan) is looking to contract a Recruitment Agency which has experience in U.S. higher educational exchange and/or U.S. government exchange programs.
The Jordanian-American Commission for Educational Exchange (aka the Binational Fulbright Commission in Jordan) is looking to hire a Consultancy Firm, which specializes in governance and compliance, to review and revise its internal policies and procedures.
On July 7th of 2021, Fulbright Jordan is hosting and moderating its first webinar as part of the 75th Anniversary celebrations of the Fulbright Program worldwide. This event falls on "Jordan's Day" where four of our Fulbright scholars will present on the topic of archeology, and the importance of communities alongside their work.
As part of the global celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Fulbright Program, the Fulbright Commission was honored to host His Royal Highness (HRH) Prince El Hassan bin Talal earlier this year to be our keynote speaker, and virtually meet a number of our alumni.
Hosted by His Excellency Dr. Zeidan A. Kafafi – President of Yarmouk University (YU), Fulbright Jordan’s Executive Director Mr. Alain McNamara participated in the launching of Yarmouk University’s 1st International Week 2019.
July 7th is Fulbright Jordan's Day as part of the 75th Anniversary of The Fulbright Program. We wanted to put together a recap of the various projects and events we have created and promoted in the past six months leading to this day which you can read in our latest post.
This year, the Fulbright Commission in Jordan is starting a joint lecture series partnership with ACOR (American Center of Research) hosting alumni of the Fulbright award discussing important topics related to the work ACOR has been doing in Jordan since 1971.
As part of the 75th Anniversary of the Fulbright Program celebrations worldwide in 2021, The Alumni and Outreach team has been working on many projects to reflect different themes that reflect the program. One of these events took place in June where we hosted an art workshop with a small group of our Jordanian alumnae in partnership with The Box
In commemoration of its 30th anniversary, the Jordanian American Commission for Educational Exchange (JACEE) hosted a reception, on Thursday, with His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal as keynote speaker.