U.S. Fulbright Scholar

Fulbright Scholar Awards support U.S. Scholars, as well as artists and professionals, from a wide range of fields to conduct research, and/or teach in Jordan.

Application cycle:

February 1, 2024

September 16, 2024

This Program is now closed
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This scholarship competition is now closed!


Fulbright Scholar Awards support U.S. Scholars, as well as artists and professionals, from a wide range of fields to conduct research, and/or teach in Jordan. Fulbright U.S. Scholar grant recipients are expected to collaborate and mentor host country students, contribute to cutting-edge research, give presentation, develop their academic or professional networks, and engage with the local academic, artistic, or professional community.

Scholars will be expected to engage with graduate students in the host country and to be involved with host university training in cutting edge research in their specializations. In addition to their primary research or teaching activities, grantees will be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host country academic community.

The core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program competition for 2025-2026 opened in February, 2024 and will include additional opportunities for scholars. Grant lengths vary in duration: applicants can propose projects for a period of 5 to 10 months maximum, as specified in the award description.


Following requirements must be met:

  • US citizenship, permanent residency is not sufficient.
  • Arabic proficiency is required, dependent on the research project.
  • Preference is given to candidates with at least five years of post-doctoral experience.
  • A Ph.D. or equivalent professional/terminal degree (including a master’s degree, depending on the field) is required.
  • Fulbright Scholars awarded a grant may only apply again two years after the date of completion of the previous grant.

For more information please click here.

How to apply

Application requirements:

  • Application form
  • Project Statement
  • Most current resume
  • Two recommendation letters
  • A letter of invitation from a Jordanian institution (deadline to submit Invitation Letters is Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 5:00 PM EST).
  • Language evaluation report (details in the next section)
  • Portfolio: For applicants in the creative/performing arts, including:
    Architecture, Creative Writing, Dance, Design and Crafts, Film making, Journalism, Music, Theater Arts, Visual Arts.

For more information and to access the application for the 2025-2026 competition cycle please click here.

Deadline to apply is Monday, September 16, 2024, at 5:00 PM EST.

Language proficiency

There are two parts to this:

  • Self-evaluation
  • External evaluation

For more information, please click here.

Recommendation letters

Two letters of recommendation are required.

For more information, please click here.

What do we cover?

  • Monthly stipend
  • Estimated travel and relocation allowance
  • Book and research allowance
  • Dependent tuition allowance (if applicable)
  • Special award benefits

For more information please click here.


The Bi-national Fulbright Commission in Jordan strives to ensure that its efforts reflect the diversity of both, Jordanian and American societies.  The Commission seeks and encourages the involvement of people from traditionally underrepresented audiences in all its scholarships, grants, programs and other higher educational exchange activities and its workforce and workplace.  Opportunities are open to people regardless of their race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, geographic location, socio-economic status, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity. The Commission is committed to fairness, equity and inclusion.


Q: Where do I find the application for this award category?
A: Online applications can be found here.

Q: Do I have to be proficient in Arabic to be eligible for this award?
A :No you do not need to be proficient in Arabic unless your research needs it.

Q: Is a letter of invitation mandatory?
A: Securing an invitation letter is preferred and encouraged, but if it is not ready by the time you submit your application, you may turn it in at a later stage.

Q: Can the Commission in Jordan help you with finding a host institution and securing an invitation letter?
A: Yes - we maintain a list of potential affiliations here which you may consult, although you may already have existing contacts of your own, which we encourage you to use. Applicants are responsible for securing their own invitation letters.

Q: Is funding available for my family as well?
A: Yes, if you are selected, this award funds spouses and children.

Q: How many letter of recommendation do I need?
A: You need two letters of recommendation.

Q: What are the financial benefits of this award category?
A: Grant benefits differ by country and type of award. Generally speaking, Fulbright grants are budgeted to cover travel and living costs in-country for the grantee and their accompanying dependents. Check the award description in the catalog of awards and/or consult program staff responsible for the particular award you are interested in.

Q: I applied last year and was unsuccessful. How can I find out why I wasn’t selected so I can improve my application for the current competition?
A: Final selections are based on feedback from the U.S. peer review committees as well as posts and commissions abroad. CIES operates in conformity with the policies of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB). According to FFSB policy, CIES cannot give applicants the specific reasons for selection or non-selection. If you are interested in reapplying, you are encouraged to contact the CIES country or regional lead, who can provide general guidance on reapplying.

Additional guidance

For more information on this award category please click here.

To view the Web-page ref the 2025-2026 U.S Scholar Core Program, please click here.

To view the Review Criteria for these Awards, please click here.

To view the Catalog of Awards, please click here.

For the affiliation suggestions list, please click here.

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